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What we did

// challenge

Traditionally the agrarian sphere is working live. Meetings, communications, contracts and so on usually are organized in the fields. Because only the field can show the real picture how the cultures behave in reality, how they grow, how they «live».  That’s why the quarantine restrictions in the spring 2020 became a difficult test and a real challenge for the farmers.Another typical problem of the agricultural sector is that the winter is «quiet» season with nothing to watch in the fields.

// what we did

We made the fields available online.To do this, on the basis of the brand platform «From seeds to solutions» we created and launched the full campaign including YouTube vlog, landing page and virtual tours to demo fields.

1/ Developed the concept and naming for EURALIS YouTube project

«Country 49°32°» means the geographical coordinates of Ukraine and the blog informs about the agricultural features of different regions. This project became a platform to discuss the news and seed hybrids and to share the experience among experts and farmers.

2/ Made the shooting of YouTube season

We performed the creative part and the production for the first season of «Country 49°32°». 6 episodes are on the channel already.

3/ Showed fields in VR 360

Link on a field in Vinnytsia

Link on a field in Ternopil

4/ Launched the landing page

We added info about the seeds, partners and hybrids. So the farmers' access to the information needed became much easier.

Link on a landing page

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// challenge

Traditionally the agrarian sphere is working live. Meetings, communications, contracts and so on usually are organized in the fields. Because only the field can show the real picture how the cultures behave in reality, how they grow, how they «live».  That’s why the quarantine restrictions in the spring 2020 became a difficult test and a real challenge for the farmers.Another typical problem of the agricultural sector is that the winter is «quiet» season with nothing to watch in the fields.

// what we did

We made the fields available online.To do this, on the basis of the brand platform «From seeds to solutions» we created and launched the full campaign including YouTube vlog, landing page and virtual tours to demo fields.

1/ Developed the concept and naming for EURALIS YouTube project

«Country 49°32°» means the geographical coordinates of Ukraine and the blog informs about the agricultural features of different regions. This project became a platform to discuss the news and seed hybrids and to share the experience among experts and farmers.

2/ Made the shooting of YouTube season

We performed the creative part and the production for the first season of «Country 49°32°». 6 episodes are on the channel already.

3/ Showed fields in VR 360

Link on a field in Vinnytsia

Link on a field in Ternopil

4/ Launched the landing page

We added info about the seeds, partners and hybrids. So the farmers' access to the information needed became much easier.

Link on a landing page

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