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Metinvest Professions



Metivest is the international group of companies with its own mining and metallurgical enterprises in Ukraine, United States and Europe which sells raw materials and metal products all over the world. Simply put, Metinvest is about steel, ore, metal, coal and big business.



To break the stereotype that working professions are out of style and poorly paid. To promote career in Metinvest among young people.


What we did

For young people we decided to create YouTube content – real locations, real employees and true stories of cool Metinvest careers. We conducted the interviews, created the concept and scripts, made shooting, editing and post-production. The project was so interesting to the audience that in 2020 we released the second season. In the new season of the «One day in profession» show we made integration with popular opinion leaders – Oleksandr Pedan and his daughter Lera. Our scope of works in this project was to develop the concept, to prepare scenarios that consider the blogger's personalities and to make the video. This time to catch the target audience we mostly shared the content in Instagram and showed the videos in schools.

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Metinvest Professions

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